Teaching and Learning Resources from Diane Hawkins


Words ending in -y


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Look carefully at these words which end in -y and think about the changes when a suffix is added. What do you notice?

worry + ing = worrying - If the suffix you are adding begins with an -i, leave the -y alone. (Double -i isn't right - worriing)

worry + ed = worried - If there's a consonant before the -y, change the -y to -i.

enjoy + ed = enjoyed - If there's a vowel before the -y, the -y doesn't change.

And lastly, if a word has only one syllable and ends in -y, then you only need to change the -y to an -i if you are adding -ed or -es.

try + es = tries    try + ed = tried    try + ing = trying

Do these word sums to make new words. Click on the "Finished" button to have your work marked for you.























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