Teaching and Learning Resources from Diane Hawkins


How to use the interactive Excel spelling activities.


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Screen shot of exercise

In this column, you will see a list of words for you to spell. Look carefully at each word in turn. When you think you can spell it, click on the "Cover" button to the right of the word. A box will appear in the Write column. Type in the word you have just covered.

When you have finished the exercise, click on the "Check" button and your work will be marked.

Start Again
Click on this button to rest the exercise and try again.

How to use the non-interactive HTML spelling activities.

Study the words in the "Look" column. When you think you know each word, write it in the "Write" column. When you have finished, print and check your work and mark it with a tick or a cross in the "Check" column. Keep doing this until you can write each word in the list correctly. You can do this activity at the computer, or print the page to complete the task later.






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