Making Biscuits
Design Technology Unit 5D & ICT Unit 5D

2 Batches 3 Batches 5 Batches
200g Flour

100g Margarine £0.15 £0.30

50g Sugar £0.05 £0.10

£0.12 £0.24

Pinch Salt £0.01 £0.02

1 to 2 tbsps Milk

Cost per batch

1. In cell B6 enter the label "Basic Ingredients"
2. In cell C6 enter the label "Cost per item"
3. In cell B10 type "1 egg"
4. In cell C7, enter 25p as the cost of 200g of flour. Be careful! Check and amend your entry if necessary!
5. In cell C12, enter 5p as the cost of the milk - again, be careful and THINK!

6. Write a formula in cell C13 to work out the total cost. Begin with = C7 + C8 + C9 - what else do you need to type to complete the formula?

7. Amend the formula you have just used to find the total cost of 2 batches of biscuits.

8. Your teacher will explain how to find totals using = SUM. Use SUM in cell E13 to find the total cost of 3 batches of biscuits. Do the same in cell F13 to find the total cost of 5 batches of biscuits.

9.The formula in Cell D7 works out the cost of 2 lots of flour, like this: Cost per item X 2. The cost per item is in Cell C7, so the formula is =C7*2. What will you need to enter in Cell E7 to work out the cost of 3 lots of flour? (Remember, to multiply don't use x. Use * (shift+8))
10. Copy the formula into E8, E9, E10, E11 and E12.
11. Look at the costs for making 5 batches of biscuits. Does this seem right to you? Check the formula. Change it if you need to. Check your results.